::.What feeling are you trying to hide?.:: (awesome pictures!)
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You are hiding Innocence!
You are scared of all of the bad people out there. You are gentle, kind, naive and young and would like to stay that way! You are always there when your friends are in a pinch and would sacrifice everything you have in an instant if need be. You're still unsure of many things in life, but don't worry too much about it, life is short after all! You have a pretty good out-look on life, over all.
35811 other people got this result!
This quiz has been taken 110561 times.
32% of people had this result.
5 comentários:
You are hiding pain!
Your heart is deeply hurt and confused. You strive to be the happy, fun-loving person you once were but fail. Something in your life may have hurt you so deeply that you cannot seem to pull yourself back together and are constantly on the verge of falling apart. You are seemingly in a sea of darkness, in search of the light.
Yada, yada, yada...
You are hiding Innocence!
You are scared of all of the bad people out there. You are gentle, kind, naive and young and would like to stay that way! You are always there when your friends are in a pinch and would sacrifice everything you have in an instant if need be. You're still unsure of many things in life, but don't worry too much about it, life is short after all! You have a pretty good out-look on life, over all.
35890 other people got this result!
This quiz has been taken 110735 times.
32% of people had this result.
Também sou um rapazinho mto inocente! :)
escolhi outro teste... mas fui lá :))
Hiding pain, atlantys e wind :S
Também inocentinho, xuk! ;)
Viajante já la espreitei :)
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