
Que dramático(a) és tu?

Se a blogosfera é o palco, os meus leitores são o meu público. Depois do dia melado e desavergonhado de ontem, the show must go on! Prometo que, de hoje em diante, vou portar-me sempre bem (só quando estiverem a olhar )!

You Are a Drama Queen (or King)
(You are more dramatic than 60% of the population.) And the oscar goes to... you! You're all about overreacting and just plain acting. You see the world as your stage, and give a great performance. And while you're friends may find you entertaining at times... Everyone's secretly hoping that you'll just chill a little. (But they'd never tell you - they fear your wrath!)

3 comentários:

Blogger Atlantys disse...

You are a drama Princess (or Prince)
(You are more dramatic than 50% of the population.)

You're not over the top dramatic, but you have your moments.
You know how to steal the spotlight...
And how to act out to get your way.

People around you know that you're good for a laugh.
But at times, your drama gets a bit too much for everyone.
Tone it down a tad, and you'll still be the center of attention.

2/15/2006 09:32:00 da manhã  
Blogger wind disse...

You Are a Drama Princess (or Prince)

(You are more dramatic than 50% of the population.)

You're not over the top dramatic, but you have your moments.
You know how to steal the spotlight...
And how to act out to get your way.

People around you know that you're good for a laugh.
But at times, your drama gets a bit too much for everyone.
Tone it down a tad, and you'll still

2/15/2006 11:24:00 da manhã  
Blogger jacky disse...

afinal eu sou a piorzinha de todos! :)

2/17/2006 08:44:00 da tarde  

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