Qual é o teu beijo cinematográfico?
which movie kiss are YOU ?!??!?!
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spider man....the romantic passionate amazing kiss...this represents how romantic you are n how devoted you are to your partner...he/she is lucky to have you !
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just married ! the fun romantic comedy ! u like ur kisses playful and fun you don't mind them being passoinate but you love your childish behaviour when it comes to love...Enjoy your life its sounds awsome !
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Titanic..the classical innocent kiss...while the sun was setting the love of your life tilts your head up from your chin n gently puts his lips on yours..what more could you want
Titanic... Só podia, tá explicado pq é que a minha vida amorosa é um verdadeiro desastre! :D
wind, comédia romântica é bom :)
Bem, o final do titanic deixa muito a desejar xuk... :S
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