
Qual é o teu humor de hoje?

Olha-me só que grande novidade!
Quem é que não fica bem disposto à sexta-feira?!!!
You Are In a Good Mood
Today, you're feeling pretty together and happy. While not everything is going you're way, you're keeping things in perspective. And it seems like things are looking up for you!

4 comentários:

Blogger wind disse...

You Are In a Good Mood

Today, you're feeling pretty together and happy.
While not everything is going you're way, you're keeping things in perspective.
And it seems like things are looking up for you!

2/17/2006 11:39:00 da manhã  
Anonymous Anónimo disse...

You Are In a Fantastic Mood

You're confident, focused, and on top of your game.
People are attracted to your energy right now.
This is the time to go for it - you're likely to get what you want!

(Se é assim então pq raio ainda estou com tanta preguiça...UAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH)

2/17/2006 12:11:00 da tarde  
Blogger jacky disse...

Vê se logo que é sexta-feira! Bom fim de semana :)

2/17/2006 08:08:00 da tarde  
Blogger Marian - Lisboa - Portugal disse...

Muito boas surpresas para acabar um semana que começou complicada!
Preve-se boa navegaçao em aprazivel e ensolarado mar alto...

2/17/2006 08:35:00 da tarde  

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